SIST OPPDATERT: 10. februar 2023


Denne Cookie-policyen beskriver hvordan informasjonskapsler (cookies) og lignende teknologi brukes på våre nettsider og nettsteder (f.eks. miniprogrammer og applikasjoner) som inneholder eller lenker til denne Cookie-policyen (som blir referert til i denne policyen samlet og hver for seg som "Siden"). Den er ment å gjelde med og leses sammen med cookie-banneret og personverninnstillingene som lenker til den.

“Vi” (eller “oss” eller “vår”) betyr Warner Music Norway A/S eller WMIS Ltd (for e-handel) eller WMIS Limited (for sider for netthandel) eller det aktuelle medlemmet i vårt konsern som driver den aktuelle Siden (som indikert på Siden eller i vår Personvernerklæring).

Vi kan endre denne Cookie-policyen fra tid til annen, så vennligst følg med på oppdateringer med jevne mellomrom. Denne Cookie-policyen ble sist oppdatert den datoen som er spesifisert øverst i policyen.

1. Hva er en informasjonskapsel?

En informasjonskapsel er et lite stykke informasjon som Sidens server overfører til informasjonskapselfilen i nettleseren på din enhet slik at innholdet i den informasjonskapselen kan gjenfinnes og leses.

Informasjonskapsler registrerer vanligvis ikke ditt navn eller spesifikk kontaktinformasjon, men noen informasjonskapsler kan tildele en identifikator til et individ. I den grad informasjonskapsler samler inn og behandler personopplysninger, håndteres dette i samsvar med vår Personvernerklæring.

Vi bruker også andre teknologier på Siden som fungerer på en lignende måte som informasjonskapsler ved at det lagres og gis tilgang til informasjon på en brukers enhet, slik som:

Når vi snakker om "informasjonskapsler" i denne Cookie-policyen, refererer vi også til disse andre lignende teknologiene.

2. Hvordan vi bruker informasjonskapsler

Vi bruker en kombinasjon av strengt nødvendige informasjonskapsler, funksjonelle informasjonskapsler, målrettede informasjonskapsler og informasjonskapsler for ytelse, som beskrevet i personverninnstillingene.

Denne lenken angir førsteparts- og tredjepartsinformasjonskapsler vi bruker på vår Side hvor de relevante funksjonene er aktivert, og den beskriver hvilke opplysninger som behandles gjennom informasjonskapslene, og hvem som har tilgang til informasjonskapslene, samt deres formål og varighet.

Vi bruker for øyeblikket både sesjonsavhengige og faste informasjonskapsler på vår Side – sesjonsavhengige informasjonskapsler utløper når din nettlesersesjon avsluttes; faste informasjonskapsler varer lenger.

Generelt sett ber vi om cookie-samtykke hver 12. måned. Hvis du avslutter din nettbutikkonto, vil vi slette alle informasjonskapseldata assosiert med din konto innen 2 timer. Hvis du takker nei til markedsføring, vil vi slette alle informasjonskapseldata brukt for markedsføringsformål innen 1 måned.

Tredjepartsinformasjonskapsler og -verktøy

Vi benytter diverse tredjepartsinnhold og -verktøy på Siden, klikk på denne lenken for mer informasjon om dem. På grunn av dette kan det hende at når du besøker en side med innhold integrert fra for eksempel Facebook eller Youtube, vil Siden plassere informasjonskapsler. Under er tredjepartstjenestene vi bruker, og hvor man kan finne mer personverninformasjon om dem:

3. Hvordan endrer jeg mine innstillinger for informasjonskapsler?

Du kan endre dine innstillinger for informasjonskapsler til enhver tid ved å klikke på lenken for "Cookie-innstillinger" som er tilgjengelig fra enhver nettside på Siden. Du kan så tilpasse de tilgjengelige bryterne til ‘På’ eller ‘Av’, og så trykke ‘Bekreft mine valg’. Du kan måtte oppdatere din side for at dine innstillinger skal få virkning. Det kan også være at du får valget om å endre dine cookie-innstillinger hvis du besøker et annet område på Siden som har annen funksjonalitet, eller hvis det ville optimalisert sin nettopplevelse å velge andre innstillinger (men dette vil alltid være valgfritt).

Vennligst vær oppmerksom på at hvis informasjonskapsler er slått av, kan det hende at ikke alle funksjonene på Siden vil fungere som tiltenkt, og dette kan påvirke din nettopplevelse.

Nettleserinnstillingene i de fleste nettlesere tillater også en viss kontroll over de fleste informasjonskapsler. For å finne ut mer om informasjonskapsler, herunder hvordan man kan sjekke hvilke informasjonskapsler som har blitt plassert, besøk eller

Du kan administrere informasjonskapsler i populære nettlesere ved å besøke deres utviklersider, slik som:

For å skru av sporing fra Google Analytics på tvers av alle nettsider besøk Det finnes også programmer som kan lastes ned, som fjerner sporingsinformasjonskapsler fra nettlesersesjoner.

Liste over cookies

En cookie er en liten bit av data (tekstfil) som et nettsted - når det besøkes av en bruker - ber nettleseren din å lagre på enheten din for å huske informasjon om deg, for eksempel språkinnstillingene eller innloggingsinformasjonen. Disse cookies er satt av oss og kalles førsteparts cookies. Vi bruker også tredjeparts cookies – som er cookies fra et annet domene enn domenet til nettstedet du besøker – for annonserings- og markedsføringstiltakene våre. Mer spesifikt bruker vi cookies og annen sporingsteknologi til følgende formål:

Absolutt nødvendige cookies (informasjonskapsler)

Disse informasjonskapslene (cookies) er nødvendig for at siden skal fungere. Disse er satt til å respondere på valg du foretar på siden – som å endre personverninnstillinger, logge inn eller fylle ut skjemaer. Du kan når som helst blokkere disse informasjonskapslene i nettleseren din, men det vil også gjøre deler av siden utilgjengelig.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
juliebergan.noOptanonAlertBoxClosedThis cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust. It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down. It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user. The cookie has a one year lifespan and contains no personal information.1st Party365 days
juliebergan.notestAdobe Analytics site tracking.1st PartySession
juliebergan.noeupubconsentThis cookie is used by the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework to store the user's consent to the data collection Purposes. The cookie holds an encrypted consent string that vendors participating in the framework can read and determine the user's consent.1st Party365 days
www.juliebergan.nohas_jsMost commonly associated with the Drupal content management system. Drupal uses this cookie to indicate whether or not the visitors browser has JavaScript enabled.1st PartySession
www.juliebergan.noNO_CACHEThis cookie is used to indicate whether a website is allowed to use cache.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.noOptanonConsentThis cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor.1st Party365 days
nr-data.netJSESSIONIDThis cookie is associated with New Relic which provides a platform for uptime monitoring of the performance of web and mobile applications, to determine if the website is functioning correctly.3rd Party0 days

Funksjonelle cookies

Funksjonelle cookies (informasjonskapsler) gjør nettsiden med brukervennlig ved å forbedre den funksjonalitet og personlige tilpassing. Disse kan settes av oss eller tredjepartsleverandører. Dersom du ikke ønsker å godta disse informasjonskapslene vil ikke nettsidens tjenester fungere optimalt.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
youtube.comCONSENTThis cookie is associated with embedded content from It tracks anonymised user data, for example how many times a video is viewed and user settings. If this cookie is disabled, the embedded content may not function as intended.3rd Party6183 days

Optimaliserte cookies

Disse informasjonskapslene (cookies) brukes til å analysere bruk av nettsiden slik at vi kan måle og forbedre ytelsen av siden vår. Dette kan inkludere cookies fra tredjeparter som tilbyr analysetjenester. Disse informasjonskapslene samler aggregert data. Dersom du ikke ønsker å tillatte disse informasjonskapslene vil vi ikke få informasjon om dine sidebesøk og vil heller ikke kunne gjøre forbedringer basert på dette.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
juliebergan.nos_ivcThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.no_gaThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners.1st Party730 days
juliebergan.noAMCV_This is a cookie associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party730 days
juliebergan.noAMCVS_This is a pattern type cookie associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_lv_sThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to determine the number of days since the user last visited the website1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_15This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.noAMCVS_2DED4480533B2D590A490D4C%40AdobeOrgThis is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_ccAdobe Site Catalyst cookie, determines whether cookies are enabled in the browser1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_ipsThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_11This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_vnumThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and tracks the number of unique visits by each visitor.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_50This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
www.juliebergan.nos_xxxxThis domain is owned by Adobe/Omniture. The main business activity is: Analytics1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_invThis cookie is used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_5This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_sqThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and stores information about pages visited within the site.1st PartySession
juliebergan.noAMCV_2DED4480533B2D590A490D4C%40AdobeOrgThis is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party730 days
juliebergan.nos_tslvThis cookie holds a Unix timestamp of the current time. It is used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics.1st Party730 days
juliebergan.nos_ppvAdobe Site Catalyst cookie.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_gvo_51This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_gvo_6This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_22This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_gvo_46This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_pvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to save the user's settings and provide enhanced functionality and personalisation.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_invisitThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and counts the visits made by a user to the site.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.no_gidThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited.1st Party1 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_9This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.noAMCVS_xxxxxAdobeOrgThis cookie is associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.no_gat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThis cookie is associated with Google Analytics.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.notpAdobe Analytics site tracking. Registers if the website's scroll-depth detection is active - This function remembers how far the user has scrolled on the current session across the website's sub-pages.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_tpThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_Adobe Analytics site tracking1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_nr30Adobe Analytics site tracking.1st Party30 days
juliebergan.nos_dslvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It returns the number of days that have passed since the user's last visit.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_13This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_vnc365Adobe Analytics site tracking.1st Party365 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_21This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
juliebergan.nos_nrThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and stores the date of visit and if the visitor is new or returning.1st Party0 days
juliebergan.nos_lvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to identify the time (in days) between two visits by the same visitor (identified by an id number).1st Party1095 days
juliebergan.nos_gvo_10This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
scorecardresearch.comUIDThis cookie is associated with Scorecard Research. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party720 days
youtube.comYSCThis cookie is associated with It registers a unique ID to keep track of the videos a user has watched.3rd PartySession
youtube.comVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThis cookie is associated with embedded content from This cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos. If this cookie is disabled, the embedded content may not function as intended.3rd Party180 days
dpm.demdex.netdpmThis Adobe Analytics cookie is associated with embedded content from DPM is an abbreviation for Data Provider Match. It tells internal, Adobe systems that a call from Adobe Analytics or the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service is passing in customer data for synchronization or requesting an ID.3rd Party180 days
smetrics.wmg.coms_ecidThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.3rd Party730 days
demdex.netdemdexThis cookie is associated with It is used by Adobe Analytics to help identify a unique visitor across domains. It helps perform functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling and reporting.3rd Party180 days
demdex.netdextpThis Adobe cookie is associated with embedded content from Adobe Analytics sets this cookie to record the last time it made a data synchronization call. It stores a data provider name or ID and a timestamp.3rd Party180 days

Målrettede cookies

Disse informasjonskapslene (cookies) kan settes av oss eller våre annonseringspartnere. De kan brukes til å kartlegge dine interesser og vise deg relevante annonser på andre sider. Disse informasjonskapslene (cookies) kan også dele informasjon med tredjeparter. Vi bruker også plug-ins, sporing og sporing på tvers av enheter på sosiale medier. Dersom du ikke ønsker å tillatte disse informasjonskapslene vil du ikke kunne bruke sosiale funksjoner, samt oppleve mindre målrettet markedsføring.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
juliebergan.noaam_uuidThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID - Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used to assign a unique ID when a user visits a website.1st Party30 days
juliebergan.no_fbpUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers1st Party90 days
juliebergan.no__qcaThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.1st Party395 days
juliebergan.novisit_uuidThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID - Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used to optimise ad relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites.1st PartySession
juliebergan.no_scidThis cookie is associated with Snapchat. It sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates realtime bidding for advertisers.1st Party396 days
juliebergan.no_schnThis cookie tracks individual sessions on the website, allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.1st PartySession
juliebergan.noAAMC_wmg_0This cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID (DMP). The main business activity is advertising1st Party180 days
juliebergan.no_dltThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.1st Party0 days
360yield.comtuuidThis cookie is associated with It is used to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor.3rd Party90 days
360yield.comtuuid_luThis cookie is associated with It is used to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor. It contains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch to track the visitor across multiple websites, allowing optimisation of relevant advertising and ensuring the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times.3rd Party90 days
go.sonobi.comHAPLB5XThis cookie is associated with Sonobi, an audience buying and selling platform for online advertising. It is used to deliver adverts more relevant to the user as well as limit the number of times the user sees an advertisement.3rd PartySession
eyeota.netSERVERIDThis cookie is associated with Eyeota which specialises in audience data to enable targeted advertising.3rd Party0 days
eyeota.netmako_uidThis cookie is associated with Eyeota which specialises in audience data to enable targeted advertising.3rd Party365 days
pubmatic.comKADUSERCOOKIEThis cookie is associated with, an advertising exchange platform. It passes information between partners when considering whether to purchase advertisements. This enables the partner to make better decisions about whether to display an advertisement to a user.3rd Party90 days
pubmatic.comKTPCACOOKIEThis cookie is associated with It registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.3rd Party90 days
doubleclick.nettest_cookieThis cookie is associated with is Google's real time bidding advertising exchange. This cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.3rd Party0 days
doubleclick.netIDEThis cookie is associated with is Google's real time bidding advertising exchange. This cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.3rd Party390 days
adnxs.comuuid2This cookie is associated with AppNexus Inc.3rd Party90 days
snapchat.comsc_atThis cookie is associated with Snapchat and is used for targeted advertising.3rd Party390 days
secure.quantserve.com_dltThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party0 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_idThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_ccThis cookie is associated with Lotame. The main business activity is advertising.3rd PartySession
crwdcntrl.net_cc_audThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_dcThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
adsrvr.orgTDCPMThis cookie is associated with TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party365 days
adsrvr.orgTDIDThis cookie is associated with TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party365 days
quantserve.commcThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party396 days
quantserve.comdThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party90 days
openx.netiThis cookie is associated with OpenX. The main business activity is advertising3rd Party365 days
ad.gtlast_seenamoThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Amobee.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtpbmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Pubmatic.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenopenxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last date the openx cookie was set. Openx is an SSP partner that is integrated with Audigent.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seeng_hostedThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Google Hosted Match.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtszmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sizmek.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtg_hostedThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It tracks when a Google-hosted match table is added.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtopenx_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Openx. Openx is an SSP partner that is integrated with Audigent.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadbThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Adobe.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtbeeswax_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Beeswax.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenimproveThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It stores the last seen time for Improve Digital.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtau_idmatchThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It tracks which cookies have been dropped that day.3rd Party1 days
ad.gtrubThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Rubicon.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenszmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sizmek.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenbeeswaxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Beeswax.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenfplusThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtfp_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtuidThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It is used to recognise a user on return visits.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtgoogle_gidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Google (self-hosted).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtturn_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Amobee.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenhaloidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for the Audigent Halo ID.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtau_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the Audigient ID.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtemxidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for advertising purposes for EMX Digital.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Google.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seentdThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for The Trade Desk.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtuser_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It is used to recognise a user on return visits.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenpbmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Pubmatic.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seensonThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sonobi.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadnxsThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Appnexus (Xandr).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtsas_uidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Smart.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenemxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for EMX.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenpulsepointThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Pulsepoint.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenrubThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Rubicon.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtimpr_uidThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It stores the ID for Improve Digital for advertising purposes.3rd Party730 days
ad.gttdidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used for identity resolution for advertising purposes on the Trade Desk.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seensmartThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Smart.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenmediamathThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Media Match.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtadnxs_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Appnexus (Xandr).3rd Party730 days
ad.gthalo_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtadbThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Adobe.3rd Party730 days
twitter.compersonalization_idThis cookie is associated with Twitter. It is used to measure the performance of advertising campaigns through Twitter, across different browsers and devices used by a visitor.3rd Party730 days
bidr.iocheckForPermissionThis cookie is associated with It allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.3rd Party0 days
bidr.iobitoIsSecureThis cookie is associated with It allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.3rd Party395 days
bidr.iobitoThis cookie is associated with It allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.3rd Party395 days
www.facebook.comThis cookie is associated with Facebook and is used for targeted advertising.3rd PartySession
google.comNIDThis cookie is associated with Google and is used for targeted advertising.3rd Party183 days
everesttech.neteverest_session_v2This cookie is associated with (Adobe). It processes information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising they may have seen before visiting the said website.3rd PartySession
everesttech.netev_sync_ddThis cookie is associated with Adobe. It is used to link anonymised analytics data to a visitor profile and help provide a personalised experience through the website, marketing and advertising.3rd Party31 days
everesttech.neteverest_g_v2This Adobe cookie is associated with embedded content from It is created after a user initially clicks a client's ad, and is used to map the current and subsequent clicks with other events on the client's website. It stores the browser and surfer ID.3rd Party365 days
sc-static.netX-ABThis cookie is associated with SnapChat and is used for targeted advertising.3rd Party1 days