ÚLTIMA REVISIÓN: 10 de febrero de 2023

Política de cookies


La presente Política de cookies describe cómo se utilizan las cookies y otras tecnologías similares en nuestros sitios web y propiedades web (como widgets y aplicaciones, por ejemplo) que contienen o enlazan la presente Política de cookies (que en esta política se denominarán de forma conjunta e individual como el “Sitio”). Está previsto que funcionen y se lean conjuntamente con el anuncio de cookies y el centro de preferencias de privacidad que lo vinculan.

"Nosotros" (o "nuestro") significa Warner Music Spain, S.L. o WMIS Ltd (en el caso de sitio de comercio electrónico) o el miembro que corresponda de nuestro grupo que mantenga el Sitio específico (como se indique en el Sitio o en nuestra Política de privacidad).

Podemos modificar la presente Política de cookies cuando lo consideremos oportuno, por lo que le recomendamos que compruebe periódicamente si hay actualizaciones. La presente Política de cookies se revisó por última vez en la fecha especificada al principio de la política.

1. Qué es una cookie?

Una cookie es un pequeño fragmento de información que el servidor del Sitio transfiere al archivo de cookies del navegador de su dispositivo para que se pueda recuperar y leer el contenido de esa cookie.

En general, las cookies no registran su nombre ni datos de contacto específicos, pero algunas cookies pueden asignar un identificador a una persona. En la medida en que las cookies recojan y procesen los datos personales, esto se realizará de conformidad con nuestra Política de privacidad.

En el Sitio utilizamos otras tecnologías que funcionan de manera similar a la de las cookies al almacenar o acceder a información en el dispositivo de un usuario, como por ejemplo:

Cuando hablamos sobre "cookies" en la presente Política de cookies, también nos referimos a estas otras tecnologías similares.

2. Cómo utilizamos las cookies

Usamos una combinación de cookies estrictamente necesarias, cookies funcionales, cookies de preferencias y cookies de rendimiento, tal y como se describe en el centro de preferencias de privacidad.

Este enlace contiene las cookies propias y de terceros que usamos en nuestro Sitio donde se habilitan las funciones pertinentes, y explica su finalidad y duración.

Actualmente en nuestro Sitio usamos cookies tanto de sesión como persistentes: las cookies de sesión caducan al finalizar su sesión en el navegador; las cookies persistentes permanecen más tiempo.

En general pedimos el consentimiento de cookies cada 12 meses. Si cierra su cuenta en nuestra tienda online, borraremos todos los datos de cookies asociados a su cuenta en un plazo de 2 horas. Si desea quedar excluido del marketing, borraremos todos los datos de cookies utilizados con fines de marketing en el plazo de 1 mes.

Cookies y herramientas de terceros

En el Sitio utilizamos una variedad de contenidos y herramientas de terceros y al hacer clic en este enlace podrá obtener más información sobre esto.Como consecuencia, cuando visita una página con contenido incorporado desde Facebook o YouTube, por ejemplo, es posible que el Sitio inserte cookies. A continuación enumeramos los servicios de terceros que usamos y dónde encontrar información de privacidad adicional sobre los mismos:

3. Cómo puedo cambiar la configuración de mis cookies?

Puede cambiar sus preferencias de cookies en cualquier momento haciendo clic en el enlace "Configuración de cookies" que encontrará en todas las páginas web. Una vez allí, puede ajustar los controles deslizantes que aparezcan como "On" u "Off" (aceptar o rechazar) y, a continuación, hacer clic en "Confirmar mis opciones". Es posible que deba refrescar la página para que la configuración entre en vigor. También se le puede ofrecer la opción de cambiar su configuración de cookies si va a visitar un área distinta del Sitio con funciones diferentes o si con otra configuración se pudiera optimizar su experiencia online (aunque esto será siempre opcional).

Tenga presente que, si se deshabilitan las cookies, es posible que algunas de las funciones del Sitio no funcionen según lo previsto y esto puede afectar su experiencia online.

La configuración del navegador de casi todos los navegadores web también permite tener algún control de la mayoría de las cookies. Para obtener más información sobre las cookies, incluso cómo comprobar qué cookies se han instalado, visite www.aboutcookies.org o www.allaboutcookies.org.

En los navegadores más comunes es posible administrar las cookies en los sitios de los desarrolladores, como por ejemplo:

Si desea quedar excluido del rastreo de Google Analytics en todos los sitios web, visite http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. También puede descargar software que elimina las cookies de rastreo de las sesiones en el navegador.

Lista de cookies

Una cookie es un fragmento pequeño de datos (archivos de texto) que un sitio web, cuando es visitado por un usuario, le pregunta a su navegador para almacenarse en su dispositivo y así recordar información acerca de usted, como por ejemplo la preferencia de idioma o su información para iniciar sesión. Estas cookies son establecidas por nosotros, y se llaman cookies de primeras partes. También usamos cookies de terceras partes (que son cookies de un dominio diferente al dominio del sitio web que está visitando) para nuestros estudios de anuncios y marketing. Específicamente, usamos las cookies y otras tecnologías de seguimiento para los siguientes propósitos:

Cookies Estrictamente Necesarias

Estas Cookies son necesarias para que el sitio web funcione. Por lo general solo se configuran en respuesta a las acciones que realizas, como establecer tus preferencias de privacidad, iniciar sesión o cumplimentar formularios. Puedes configurar tu navegador para que bloquee estas Cookies, pero, en consecuencia, puede que algunos elementos de la web no funcionen.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
vanesamartin7.es_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxxThis cookie is associated with sites using Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code into a page. Where it is used it may be regarded as Strictly Necessary as without it, other scripts may not function correctly. The end of the name is a unique number which is also an identifier for an associated Google Analytics account.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.estestThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It checks to see if cookies are enabled.1st Party0 days

Cookies Funcionales

Estas Cookies permiten al sitio web proporcionar una funcionalidad y personalización mejoradas. Pueden ser configuradas por nosotros o por terceros proveedores. Si no autorizas estas Cookies, puede que algunos servicios no funcionen de manera óptima.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
twitter.compersonalization_idThis cookie is associated with Twitter. It allows the visitor to share content from the website on to their Twitter profile.3rd Party730 days

Cookies de Rendimiento

Estas Cookies nos permiten analizar el uso del sitio web, para que podamos medir y mejorar el rendimiento de nuestro sitio web. Esto puede incluir cookies de servicios de análisis de terceros. Estas Cookies recopilan datos agregados. Si no autorizas estas Cookies, no recibiremos información sobre tus visitas al sitio web, y no podremos realizar mejoras basándonos en esta información.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
vanesamartin7.ess_pvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to save the user's settings and provide enhanced functionality and personalisation.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_13This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.es_gidThis cookie is associated with Google Universal Analytics.1st Party1 days
vanesamartin7.ess_lvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to identify the time (in days) between two visits by the same visitor (identified by an id number).1st Party1095 days
vanesamartin7.esAMCVS_xxxxxAdobeOrgThis cookie is associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_ivcThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_9This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_10This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_50This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.esAMCVS_2DED4480533B2D590A490D4C%40AdobeOrgThis is a pattern type cookie associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_invThis cookie is used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_invisitThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and counts the visits made by a user to the site.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_11This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_22This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_nr30This cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It determines if the user is a new visitor or a repeat visitor within a given timeframe.1st Party30 days
vanesamartin7.ess_lv_sThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It is used to determine the number of days since the user last visited the website1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_21This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_sqThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and stores information about pages visited within the site.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_51This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_nrThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and stores the date of visit and if the visitor is new or returning.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_tpThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_vnumThis cookie is associated with Adobe Site Catalyst and tracks the number of unique visits by each visitor.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_46This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.estpThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking. It registers if the website's scroll-depth detection is active. This function remembers how far the user has scrolled on the current session across the website's sub-pages.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.esAMCVS_This is a pattern type cookie associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.esAMCV_This is a cookie associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party730 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_15This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_6This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_ppvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking and is used to measure a user's scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving to another page.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.ess_ipsThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.ess_tslvThis cookie holds a Unix timestamp of the current time. It is used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics.1st Party730 days
vanesamartin7.ess_gvo_5This cookie is used to track website behavior by collecting custom data variables in Adobe Analytics.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.es_gaThis cookie is associated with Google Universal Analytics.1st Party730 days
vanesamartin7.ess_vnc365This cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics and is used to track website behaviour.1st Party365 days
vanesamartin7.ess_dslvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It returns the number of days that have passed since the user's last visit.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.esAMCV_2DED4480533B2D590A490D4C%40AdobeOrgThis is a cookie associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.1st Party730 days
vanesamartin7.ess_ccThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Site Catalyst. It determines whether cookies are enabled in the web browser.1st PartySession
scorecardresearch.comUIDThis cookie is associated with Scorecard Research. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party720 days
dpm.demdex.netdpmThis Adobe Analytics cookie is associated with embedded content from dpm.demdex.net. DPM is an abbreviation for Data Provider Match. It tells internal, Adobe systems that a call from Adobe Analytics or the Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service is passing in customer data for synchronization or requesting an ID.3rd Party180 days
smetrics.wmg.coms_ecidThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. It stores a unique visitor identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.3rd Party730 days
demdex.netdextpThis Adobe cookie is associated with embedded content from demdex.net. Adobe Analytics sets this cookie to record the last time it made a data synchronization call. It stores a data provider name or ID and a timestamp.3rd Party180 days
demdex.netdemdexThis cookie is associated with demdex.net. It is used by Adobe Analytics to help identify a unique visitor across domains. It helps perform functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling and reporting.3rd Party180 days

Cookies de Segmentaciónn

Estas Cookies pueden ser configuradas por nosotros o por nuestros socios publicitarios. Pueden usarse para construir perfiles de tus intereses y enseñarte publicidad de interés en otras páginas. Estas Cookies pueden compartir información con terceros. También utilizamos complementos de redes sociales, seguimiento de redes sociales y seguimiento de dispositivos cruzados. Si no aceptas estas Cookies, no podrás utilizar funcionalidades sociales y recibirá publicidad menos personalizada.
Host Name Cookie Name Description Cookies Used Length
vanesamartin7.esaam_uuidThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID - Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used to assign a unique ID when a user visits a website.1st Party30 days
vanesamartin7.es_fbpThis cookie is used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertising products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.1st Party90 days
vanesamartin7.es_schnThis cookie is associated with Snapchat. It tracks individual sessions on the website, allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.es__qcaThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.1st Party395 days
vanesamartin7.esvisit_uuidThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID - Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used to optimise ad relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites.1st PartySession
vanesamartin7.es_dltThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.1st Party0 days
vanesamartin7.es_scidThis cookie is associated with Snapchat. It sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates realtime bidding for advertisers.1st Party396 days
vanesamartin7.esAAMC_wmg_0This cookie is associated with the Adobe Audience Manager ID (DMP). The main business activity is advertising1st Party180 days
360yield.comtuuidThis cookie is associated with Bidswitch.net. It is used to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor.3rd Party90 days
360yield.comtuuid_luThis cookie is associated with Bidswitch.net. It is used to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor. It contains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch to track the visitor across multiple websites, allowing optimisation of relevant advertising and ensuring the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times.3rd Party90 days
go.sonobi.comHAPLB5XThis cookie is associated with Sonobi, an audience buying and selling platform for online advertising. It is used to deliver adverts more relevant to the user as well as limit the number of times the user sees an advertisement.3rd PartySession
eyeota.netmako_uidThis cookie is associated with Eyeota which specialises in audience data to enable targeted advertising.3rd Party365 days
eyeota.netSERVERIDThis cookie is associated with Eyeota which specialises in audience data to enable targeted advertising.3rd Party0 days
pubmatic.comKTPCACOOKIEThis cookie is associated with pubmatic.com. It registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.3rd Party90 days
pubmatic.comKADUSERCOOKIEThis cookie is associated with pubmatic.com, an advertising exchange platform. It passes information between partners when considering whether to purchase advertisements. This enables the partner to make better decisions about whether to display an advertisement to a user.3rd Party90 days
doubleclick.netIDEThis cookie is associated with Doubleclick.net. Doubleclick.net is Google's real time bidding advertising exchange. This cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.3rd Party390 days
doubleclick.nettest_cookieThis cookie is associated with Doubleclick.net. Doubleclick.net is Google's real time bidding advertising exchange. This cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.3rd Party0 days
adnxs.comuuid2This cookie is associated with AppNexus Inc.3rd Party90 days
snapchat.comsc_atThis cookie is associated with Snapchat and is used for targeted advertising.3rd Party390 days
secure.quantserve.com_dltThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party0 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_idThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_dcThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
crwdcntrl.net_cc_ccThis cookie is associated with Lotame. The main business activity is advertising.3rd PartySession
crwdcntrl.net_cc_audThis cookie is associated with Lotame. It is used to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.3rd Party270 days
adsrvr.orgTDIDThis cookie is associated with TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party365 days
adsrvr.orgTDCPMThis cookie is associated with TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is advertising.3rd Party365 days
quantserve.commcThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party396 days
quantserve.comdThis cookie is associated with Quantcast. It is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising services.3rd Party90 days
openx.netiThis cookie is associated with OpenX. The main business activity is advertising3rd Party365 days
ad.gtlast_seenadxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Google.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtrubThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Rubicon.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenopenxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last date the openx cookie was set. Openx is an SSP partner that is integrated with Audigent.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtuidThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It is used to recognise a user on return visits.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtuser_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It is used to recognise a user on return visits.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtau_idmatchThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It tracks which cookies have been dropped that day.3rd Party1 days
ad.gtlast_seenhaloidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for the Audigent Halo ID.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtfp_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seentdThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for The Trade Desk.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadbThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Adobe.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtpbmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Pubmatic.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtau_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the Audigient ID.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtszmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sizmek.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtemxidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for advertising purposes for EMX Digital.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenamoThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Amobee.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtgoogle_gidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Google (self-hosted).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenemxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for EMX.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seensonThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sonobi.3rd Party730 days
ad.gthalo_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seeng_hostedThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Google Hosted Match.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtadnxs_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Appnexus (Xandr).3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenrubThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Rubicon.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtsas_uidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Smart.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtopenx_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Openx. Openx is an SSP partner that is integrated with Audigent.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtg_hostedThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It tracks when a Google-hosted match table is added.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenadnxsThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Appnexus (Xandr).3rd Party730 days
ad.gttdidThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform (DMP). It is used for identity resolution for advertising purposes on the Trade Desk.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtimpr_uidThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It stores the ID for Improve Digital for advertising purposes.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenszmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Sizmek.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtturn_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Amobee.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenpulsepointThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Pulsepoint.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenimproveThis cookie is associated with Audigent. It stores the last seen time for Improve Digital.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenmediamathThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Media Match.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenbeeswaxThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Beeswax.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenpbmThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last seen time for Pubmatic.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtadbThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for Adobe.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seenfplusThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It is used for identity resolution for the Audigent Halo.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtlast_seensmartThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the last time seen for Smart.3rd Party730 days
ad.gtbeeswax_idThis cookie is associated with Audigent, a Data Management Platform. It stores the ID for Beeswax.3rd Party730 days
www.facebook.comThis cookie is associated with Facebook and is used for targeted advertising.3rd PartySession
google.comNIDThis cookie is associated with Google and is used for targeted advertising.3rd Party183 days
everesttech.neteverest_g_v2This Adobe cookie is associated with embedded content from everesttech.net. It is created after a user initially clicks a client's ad, and is used to map the current and subsequent clicks with other events on the client's website. It stores the browser and surfer ID.3rd Party365 days
everesttech.neteverest_session_v2This cookie is associated with everesttech.net (Adobe). It processes information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising they may have seen before visiting the said website.3rd PartySession
everesttech.netev_sync_ddThis cookie is associated with Adobe. It is used to link anonymised analytics data to a visitor profile and help provide a personalised experience through the website, marketing and advertising.3rd Party31 days